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Substance MisUse

Drugs on Premises

This one day course is designed to ensure that housing services and their staff are fully aware and compliant with the intricacies that exist in interpreting Sect 8 of the 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act and Sec 1 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act.​  Whilst many housing organisations have drugs policies in place, it is astonishing the number of front line staff that aren’t aware of or are unclear as to exactly what the policy is and the procedures that must be followed for specific situations that may arise.

Dual Diagnosis

This one day course is for individuals who work with people who have mental health problems. It addresses the needs of service users with moderate problems relating to substance use and mental health. This course aims to provide information on how substances and mental health issues interrelate and how to work effectively with this client group.

Enhanced Tier 2 Drug and Alcohol Training Course

This one day course has been created to match the development needs of organisations that engage with clients that have complex needs. These needs may include substance misuse, dual diagnosis and involvement with the criminal justice system. ​This course is essential for anyone who requires a more thorough and in-depth knowledge of current drug use and related issues. This course also puts an emphasis on understanding the pharmacology surrounding substance misuse and explores the social impact of drug use in our society.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

This one day course will enable attendees to improve their understanding around Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and the role that they play.  Throughout the session, they will explore different approaches and be provided with the skills and knowledge that they need.  

Exploitation & Grooming

The sexual exploitation of children and young people has been identified throughout the UK, in both rural and urban areas, and in all parts of the world. It affects boys and young men as well as girls and young women. This one day course is aimed at practitioners in voluntary, independent and statutory agencies who work predominantly with children, young people and/or their parents/carers.

Gang Culture

Gang culture and the involvement of young people in gangs is a phenomenon that has attracted increasing interest as the numbers of young people involved in gangs has grown across the UK. Concern over the behaviour of young people in gangs and the increase in violence and the use of weapons has grown in schools, in neighbourhoods and communities and in towns and cities. This one day course will consider an issue that is well enough researched but widely misrepresented in the media. It is designed for those working with young people in schools, in community settings and projects who have an interest in this area. The workshop will be a mix of presentation, discussion and experiential work in exploring gang culture.

Legal High Awareness Training

In tandem with the Baseline Training Enhanced Tier 2 Drug and Alcohol Awareness Training, we have specifically developed this module to match the development needs of organisations that engage with clients that are using Novel (New) Psychoactive Substances (NPS) – ‘Legal Highs’.


This one day course is essential for anyone who requires a more thorough and in-depth knowledge of current drug use trends and related issues, which include the most up to date information about NPS - ‘Legal Highs”. 

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing and the Stages of Change provide an organised and systematic way of helping people to recognise their problems and to do something about them. The one day course is designed for anyone seeking to support vulnerable clients in making positive changes in their lives. Motivational Interviewing is a practical tool that can be used to support clients to achieve positive outcomes in their lives.

Substance Misuse in the Criminal Justice Client

Substance Misuse in the Criminal Justice Client 

Revolving Door-Creating the Environment for Change

This one day course has been developed to assist practitioners in working with clients who are involved with the Criminal Justice system. The "Revolving Door" service user is quite often one of the most difficult and challenging clients to support due to their chaotic and often resistant nature. Often serving both community and custodial sentences, this client group requires practitioners to have a firm grasp on effective inter-agency work that delivers positive outcomes. In "creating the environment for change", we as practitioners must adopt the following statement, " if everything remains the same then nothing will ever change".

Eating Disorders

Working with clients who suffer from eating disorders and difficulties can be challenging but extremely rewarding, and with indications that statutory services are under continued pressure to provide support, the case for private intervention grows stronger. This one day course aims to raise awareness of Eating Disorders, and to understand and recognise the causes, symptoms and support options available.

De-escalation Techniques

This one day course will enable attendees to improve their techniques for dealing with conflict by exploring different approaches to calming an agitated individual whilst learning from the experience. The training is intended to ensure that there is consistency in the interests of all concerned and that participants understand that the organisation has a duty to ensure that it is meeting its obligations in a non-confrontational, safe environment where calmness and reason prevail.

Domestic Violence

Whether you work with survivors, deliver a service, or are an employer wanting to support your staff, our unrivalled expertise will equip you with the tools to understand and respond effectively to domestic abuse. Our one day training course is aimed at individuals in organisations and voluntary groups who work with adults and children or young people, to give a basic awareness of issues surrounding domestic abuse.

Keeping Children Safe Online

This one day training programme for professionals will provide them with an improved understanding of the risks children face online as well as guidance on strengthening policies and procedures to protect and support children. 

Mental Health Awareness

We believe that raising awareness about mental health is a vital step towards reducing the stigma that surrounds it. For far too long, people of all ages with mental health problems have been stigmatised and marginalised.  But in recent years, the picture has started to change. Public attitudes towards mental health are improving, and there is a growing commitment to change the way we think about it.


This one day course aims to raise awareness of mental health, and to understand and recognise the causes, symptoms and support options for a range of common and less-common mental health problems.

Personality Disorders

This one day course is designed to provide delegates with a greater understanding of personality disorder and professional and effective ways of responding to the most difficult behaviours that people with personality disorder produce. The course will also give participants the confidence to consistently deliver effective and successful treatment interventions.

Person Centred Planning

We know the power of person-centred practices because we use them in our own life and work. This one day course will support your organisation to use person-centred practices to make a difference to people you support and to your colleagues. 


Psychosis can affect one in every 100 people during the course of their lives, according to studies. This one day course is a practical introduction to working with people who experience hearing voices. This training course will explore voice hearing and psychotic phenomena, with a focus on the experience of the person and the nature of the voice or belief systems for that person.  

Safeguarding Children

This one day course has been developed specifically for frontline support and housing staff to increase the practitioner’s skills and knowledge of the safeguarding processes relating to children and young people. The course covers a range of information and practical activities to equip frontline staff with the tools to be able to recognise abuse, instigate and work within safeguarding processes and to understand the legislative and organisational frameworks that relate to the practitioner’s working environment.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults, Children & Young People

This one day course has been developed specifically for frontline support and housing staff to increase the practitioner’s skills and knowledge of the safeguarding processes relating to vulnerable adults, children and young people. The course covers a range of information and practical activities to equip frontline staff with the tools to be able to recognise abuse, instigate and work within safeguarding processes and to understand the legislative and organisational frameworks that relate to the practitioner’s working environment.

Self Harm

This one day course aims to educate learners about the warning signs, risk factors and actions to take should they suspect someone is self-harming. Through our work we have developed a deep understanding of the reasons individuals harm themselves and of the things they need to help them overcome their self-injury.  This enables us to help training participants from all settings and disciplines develop their own good working practice within clinical guidelines. Our training is continually assessed through feedback and evolves in response to current research and training needs.

Sexual Exploitation

This one day course helps practitioners to understand the complexities involved with child sexual exploitation issues and be aware of how to recognise it, who is most at risk, why young people respond in the way that they do and how children become implicated in CSE. The course also provides essential information on what constitutes best practice for responding to concerns and making referrals to social care.

Suicidal Behavioural Awareness

There is a great deal of fear and stigma surrounding the subject of suicide. People often don’t know how to recognise people who might be thinking about suicide or how to respond to the person. This one day course will give delegates a clear process for suicide intervention and the confidence to the techniques learnt in day to day life. It will be valuable for anyone who may come into contact with someone who has thoughts of suicide or who works with groups at increased risk of suicide.

Women Who Offend

This one day course is aimed at those practitioners who engage with women who are involved with the criminal justice system. Women Who Offend is more than merely a training course. The “workshop” has been designed to heighten delegates’ awareness of the main issues that are prevalent when engaging with women service users who are perpetually struggling with offending behaviour.

Working With High Risk Clients

This one day course is essential for staff working within the care and support environment. When offering support to higher risk service users, staff must ensure that they are equipped to engage with this complex client group. This course will provide attendees with a thorough understanding of what risks are prevalent and what tools and agencies are available to help mitigate and manage the risks.

Working With Sex Offenders

This one-day course has been designed to equip practitioners and their organisations to better understand the intricacies that surround engaging with service users who are convicted sex offenders. This course will provide attendees with a foundation in understanding sex offenders, which will in turn empower them to help motivate their clients not to offend.  Practitioners will be enabled to develop a greater understanding of what their role is in the overall management of the offender/client in the community.  Using case studies and “best practice” examples, the practitioner will develop a “tool kit” that will help them recognise “risky behaviour” and in turn know what to do about it.  

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